AED Signage Requirements

An AED can only be helpful in an emergency if the responders can access it. If a sudden cardiac emergency occurs, it is crucial bystanders are able to locate the AED as quickly as possible, as every second counts when restoring a victim's heart rhythm. Whether it's a gym, office, church, or school, AED sign placement is key for rescuers to quickly find the device. AED signage placement is an important part of creating a safe environment for those who may need access to an automated external defibrillator (AED). By placing signs in strategic locations, it allows people to easily locate the AEDs and get help quickly. This can be lifesaving in sudden cardiac emergency situations where every second counts. 

AED Signage Requirements

All 50 states have a set of laws and regulations regarding AEDs. Each state has varying laws on the requirements for AED signage placement, as there are no federal laws in place. For example, in New Jersey, the law states all AEDs in schools must have identifying signage. Whereas in California, AED signage must be visible with clear instructions for the location of all AEDs in any building. It is also required to have AED instructions posted next to the device with a font size no smaller than 14 points. Each state is unique, so be sure to check the laws and regulations of your state. 

AED Placement 

AED signage is a crucial piece of the puzzle, but the placement of the AED device itself is also critical. AEDs should be placed in a central location or in an area with the highest potential risk of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Having the AED placed in the right location can shave seconds or even minutes off the time it takes to find and retrieve an AED. AEDs should be available at any time during the day, the device should never be locked or hidden away. If an emergency were to occur, responders should be able to freely open the AED case and find the device in plain sight, not rifling through drawers. The AED mounting height should be no more than 48 inches to ensure as many people as possible can access the device, and the AEDs signs should be placed near the device itself with bold font and bright colors for easy visibility.  

Types of AED Signage 

AED signage is an important part of any AED program. It helps to ensure that the AED is easily seen in an emergency. There are several types of AED signage available, depending on what type of environment it needs it for. 

One type of AED signage is wall-mounted signs. These signs can be placed in areas where the device will be used most often, such as hallways or lobbies, and they provide information on how to locate and use the AED. Wall-mounted signs are typically made from metal or plastic and feature a bright red background with white lettering for maximum visibility. A flat AED wall sign sits flat against the wall, making it visible in small offices when looking head-on, but can be less visible in larger offices or facilities. The triangle AED wall signs have a shape similar to a “V” and protrude out from the wall. These 3-dimensional signs can be read from any side and are easily visible from close up and farther distances. 

Another type of AED signage is floor decals or stickers. These AED stickers can be placed near where an AED may be located in order to help guide people toward its location if needed during an emergency situation. Floor decals generally feature illustrations like arrows that make them easy to understand even from a distance away. 

Finally, there are window clings that can serve as helpful reminders about automated external defibrillators (AED). Window clings adhere directly to glass surfaces and are typically placed at the main entrance to inform everyone there is an AED on the premises. Window decals typically feature colorful images along with text informing individuals there is an AED on the premise should an emergency situation occur.

General AED Signage Recommendations

Ideally, AED signage should be placed near entrances and exits of buildings so that people know an AED is available in case of emergency. Additionally, signs can be placed near stairways, elevators, restrooms, and other high-traffic areas for quick access in times of need.

Benefits of Having Proper AED Signage 

  • AED signage serves as a reminder that an AED is available when needed. If an emergency were to occur, you might recall the AED sign you pass by every day. 
  • It encourages bystanders to take action if someone has gone into cardiac arrest and needs immediate medical attention. 
  • Having proper AED signage ensures that everyone knows where the device is located so they can act quickly without any delay or confusion. 
  • Having visible signage helps promote awareness about the importance of having AEDs available onsite at all times. When people are aware that there are devices nearby, they will be more likely to understand their purpose and how they should use them if necessary. This knowledge could potentially save lives by providing quick access to life-saving treatment in time-sensitive scenarios such as sudden cardiac arrests. 

In conclusion, proper placement of AED signage is essential for ensuring safety and promoting awareness about these life-saving devices. Signage serves as a visual cue that lets people know exactly where the device is located so they can respond promptly during emergencies while increasing overall understanding of its purpose among bystanders who may not have known otherwise.